Meet our Team

Founder and Pastor-In-Charge

Pr. Jerome Jebasingh

The elder Son of Rev. Augustine and Mrs. Leela, Pr. Jerome Jebasingh was destined for a life in ministry from the very beginning. When he was in the womb, his parents dedicated him to serving God. Interestingly, astrology had predicted that it would be a female child who had no chances of survival due to the curse prevailing in the family. However, defying all odds and expectations, Pr. Jerome was born as a male child and still survives by the Grace of God among the people who predicted. Throughout his life, he encountered several near-death incidents and experienced numerous obstacles that seemed to be orchestrated by dark forces. However, by the grace of Almighty God, Pr. Jerome prevailed through all these satanic events unscathed. His journey towards salvation began at the tender age of 15 when he attended a meeting in his father’s church in the month of May. Within a short span, like that of a month, in a Prayer Convention, he heard the soft whispers of the Lord, calling him for His divine ministry. Thereafter, during his prayers he was revealed of the spiritual gifts he would be bestowed with in the future. It was then that he embraced the guiding light of Jesus Christ wholeheartedly. Pr. Jerome's spiritual journey took off at an early age of 19 when he decided to pursue theological studies. He enrolled in a prestigious Bible College and immersed himself in learning the holy scriptures to enhance his understanding of God's Word. After completing his theological education, Pr. Jerome began his service to the community as a faithful servant of God. For seven years, Pr. Jerome worked tirelessly as an Associate Pastor, learning the ropes and honing his skills in guiding others towards salvation. It was at this time that he got a vision to take a leap of faith and establish his own ministry in the outskirts of Coimbatore. Following the vision, he decided to give away his worldly possessions and acquire a land in Veeriyampalayam Road, Near Nehru Nagar, Coimbatore which marked the beginning of his new ministry. Now, under Pr. Jerome's dedicated leadership, many people have found their way into the welcoming embrace of God's kingdom. Today, he remains steadfast in his commitment to serving others with humility and grace as he guides more people on their spiritual paths towards a fulfilling life with Christ. Continuing his relentless march forward, Pr. Jerome's unwavering dedication has made an indelible impact on countless lives, leading lost souls back into the loving arms of God.

Pastoral Team

c. Bro. Bastin

Lay Minister

The dedicated believer who stands with the Pastor in all the church ministerial fields.